This 'n' That

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Washington DC's Black Opera Company

Connect to yesterday's Washington Post via to read the entire article.

"In yesterday's Washington Post, Jackie Trescott reports on the African-American opera company that brought high culture to America's capital in the 19th Century."

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography

Oprah Winfrey has recently selected Sidney Poitier's autobiography for her book club. Below is a brief excerpt from the review. LaurenceJarvikOnline posted a complete review Monday, 12 February 2007.

"At birth, Mr. Poitier had weighed less than three pounds and was not expected to live. His father, Reginald, had gone so far as to acquire a shoebox from an undertaker in the "colored" section of Miami that was to become Sidney's casket."