This 'n' That

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Is a popular phrase used by Steve Harvey on his daily syndicated television program, Family Feud.  An innocuous one to say the least.  But recently Mr. Harvey has had to post an apology on his Twitter account for his choice of words he used in reference to Asian men.  Here it is below:

“Wanted to share this today,” Harvey tweeted on Tuesday, along with a screenshot of the Notes app where he had written a short apology: “I offer my humblest apology for offending anyone, particularly those in the Asian community, last week. It was not my intention and the humor was not meant with any malice or disrespect whatsoever.”
It is in response to Eddie Huang's essay published by the New York Times Saturday, January 14th, in the Sunday Review Opinion section titled, "Hey Steve Harvey, Who Says I Might Not Steal Your Girl?"  Eddie Huang is a restaurateur, television host and author of "Fresh off the Boat:  A Memoir" and "Double Cup Love." Here is Mr. Huang's summation:

"That’s why this Steve Harvey episode is so upsetting. He speaks openly about issues facing the black community, he is a man of God, and he has a huge platform to speak from. Unfortunately, he’s also the type of guy who orders Krug champagne for himself and Cook’s for every one else. For his own personal profit, he’s willing to perpetuate the emasculation of Asian men regardless of how hypocritical it is. He isn’t the only one doing this in 2017, but as I told myself on New Year’s, I’m not drinking anymore of this Cook’s they’re trying to pour, and neither should you."

After his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump, Mr. Harvey spoke of a need to "...Sit at the table..."  He had received criticism for the meeting from some in the African American community because the meeting took place on the heels of Mr.Trump's negative tweet response concerning John Lewis and Mr. Lewis' comments that Mr. Trump's presidency would be illegitimate.

It would seem that Steve Harvey is sending mixed messages, as he has forgotten who he is and where he comes from.  Hubris.  Not necessarily because of his rubbing elbows with President-elect Trump.  But because of his pejorative comments about Asian American men.  That said.  Is he a good choice for President-elect Trump to be discussing how to improve certain troubling conditions in urban neighborhoods?  One would think not.  And Mr. Huang would possibly agree.  

Perhaps it is time for some self reflection on Mr. Harvey's part.  Sit at the table and have a serious discussion with Steve Harvey.